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Learn About Our Ministries

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Children & Youth Programs

At St George's Episcopal Church, we offer congregants of all ages a chance to give back by joining our wide range of ministries. Our Children & Youth Programs allows current members or newcomers to be involved with our ongoing mission of spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ to our ever-growing community. Giving back is ingrained into our philosophy and it’s at the root of our very being.


Men's Club

The Men of St. George's are among the framework that girds that community and programs of the Church with the Southside of Savannah.  
The First Saturday of each month, men gather to pray, eat, and learn about another aspect of the community they live and worship in.
There is a Christmas Tree lot that goes up after Thanksgiving each year.  The profits go to help the various outreach and programs of the community and church.


Altar Guild

From the ancient tradition of family-priests, the Levites; Our Altar Guild sets up and takes down the items needed for our weekly worship services.


Polishing brass, shinning silver, or counting communion bread, the altar guild always has something to do, just did, or needs help to complete.  

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The Choir

Music connect the mortal to the divine and the divine to the mortal.


St. George's Choir, led by Dr. Carol Benton is a gem in the crown of worship at St. George's Episcopal Church.  They draw from the 1982 Hymnal, musical influences from the past 500 years, and the talents & gifts that God has given each of our singers.


St. Mary's Guild

St. Mary's guild is collection of talented women who use their skills with needle, thread, and clothe to put God's Love, Grace, and Mercy into something that can be touch and held.


Caps for the fragile newly born, items for those undergoing chemotherapy, or a last garment for children who's life is measured in moments rather than years are crafted by the love and skill of St. Mary's guild.  

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(912) 925-6517

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